What is indoor geofencing? How does geofencing work?

3 min readAug 2, 2021


Geofencing is the process of establishing a virtual fence or perimeter around a physical location and is typically a part of real-time location tracking services (RTLS). It is a tool for tracking and monitoring physical devices coming into, out of, and moving within a pre-defined area. Think of a geofence like a high-tech version of a fence around your home. If something, or someone, jumps over your fence you would want to know more information about them, such as: the time they entered, the time they left, what they looked like, what they did, etc… It allows administrators to answer these questions and more by how, when, and what devices are doing within an area.

How does indoor geofencing work?

Indoor geofencing works the same as outdoor, but faces more constraints to successfully implement due to a combination of technology interactions, physical barriers, obstructions, interference, and higher accuracy requirements.

The goal of geofencing indoors is to create a virtual map with virtual boundaries that can monitor devices within its borders when they enter, exit, or move around. This information can be used to generate valuable data and execute specific events to occur in response to information gathered within a geofenced area, such as security alerts, mobile device management (MDM) policies, starting or stopping of machinery, prompts for people to take a certain action, and much more.

How accurate is geofencing?

Different applications of geofencing require different levels of accuracy. Indoor systems typically require more accurate location tracking compared to outdoor systems. In the example mentioned earlier a red light camera system does not need to be very accurate, but a forklift operating in an indoor environment with other people and machinery needs to be tracked with a higher level of accuracy to prevent workplace accidents.

What are the applications of geofencing?

Almost all industries implement and benefit from geofencing. Applications range from location-based marketing to lone worker safety, and companies implementing geofencing include a wide variety of companies such as Uber, Walgreens, Jet Blue, BMW, and Apple.

Indoor applications revolve around improving safety and efficiency. These applications include, but are not limited to:

Applications for safety

Applications for efficiency

What are the benefits of geofencing technology?

All the benefits of geofencing technologies are related to safety and efficiency of workers and workplace assets. Geofencing gives stakeholders more control and insight into their assets.

Which industries use geofencing technology?

Geofencing technology for indoors is used in several industries such as healthcare, mining, manufacturing, aviation, marketing, and construction. In healthcare, geofenced areas can ensure seniors, infants, and patients are active and in the right location.

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Litum is an end-to-end indoor location tracking RTLS solutions provider. Locate, Track, Improve & Protect! Follow: litum.com/blog